Hakim Mohammed Said
Founder of Hamdard Pakistan and Bangladesh
Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said, was a remarkable humanitarian, an eminent scientist, a renowned physician and revivalist of Eastern System of Medicine, who had lent a new dimension to Herbal Medicine having getting it recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Introduction of “Medical Elementology” is the remarkable and greatest success of his life. With the introduction of “Medical Elementology” he has discovered a new horizon in medical science.
After the partition, he left Delhi for Pakistan in 1948 with empty hand. Being penniless he struggled hard to establish Hamdard there. With his hardship and laborious earnings, the activities of Hamdard started on June 19 of the same year. He established Hamdard in Bangladesh afterwards in 1953. This extraordinary unique personality has performed some deeds in the twentieth century that none but only few distinguished accomplished can realize. During the last 50 years, with hard strive and relentless efforts, he initiated an amazing urge in medical science and human welfare trend. He has established, in Karachi, the university, medical college, laboratory, a marvelous surprising science city (Baitul Hikmah) with education and cultural facilities which is the largest in Asia.
⦁ Hamdard Foundation, Karachi
⦁ Madinat Al Hikmah, Karachi
⦁ Founder Chairman – Hamdard Laboratories (waqf) Pakistan
⦁ Founder Chancellor – Hamdard university, Karachi
⦁ Principal, College of Eastern medicine
⦁ President, Hamdard Public School
⦁ President, Society for Promotion and Improvement Libraries, Karachi
⦁ President, Institute of Health and Tibbi Research
⦁ President, Historical Society, Karachi
⦁ Adviser, President’s Adviser and Health Minister (1978-82)
⦁ Governor, Sindh Province (19 July ’93 – 21 January ’94)
Award: Setara-E -Imtiaz, 1966 (Highest Award in Pakistan)