Hakim Abdul Majeed
Founder of Hamdard (Estd. 1906 in Delhi)
Mrs. Rabia Begum
Mother of Hamdard
(Wife of Hakim Abdul Majeed)
Providing goodness of nature in your service since 1906
The word “Hamdard” belongs to the Persian language, which is the combination of “Ham” and “Dard”. “Ham” means friend, “Dard” means pain, so Hamdard means friend of pain or who share the pain of others.
Hamdard is an institution of Eastern System of Medicine dedicated for health care, and education and a movement for the promotion of morality, science and culture. Hamdard benefits from the accumulated knowledge of centuries, blends it with the latest scientific technology and converts it into efficacious herbal medicine to cure the sufferings of mankind all over the world.
The name of Hamdard will go down in history as an institution that virtually revived and put the Eastern medicine or Unani medicine on the map. Although apparently in form it is mainly a pharmaceutical manufacturing concern, it has made contributions to several other fields of human Endeavour.
Hamdard renders services to mankind by-
» Giving free prescription support to millions of patients all over the world through its medical centers, hospitals, medical colleges & free medicine to the ailing people every Friday from its own health centers & mobile dispensaries.
» Hamdard promotes science, education, health & culture through its educational institutions, village school, night school, college, medical colleges, university & holding seminars and symposiums on health and diseases, conducting research on therapeutics and drug of Holistic Medicine, creating health awareness through health literature, books & journals.
» Hamdard helps the deserving people providing job & financial assistance.
» Hamdard always takes active part in any natural disaster.
The Hamdard story had begun in 1906, when late Hakeem Hafiz Abdul Majeed founded the Hamdard in Delhi (India). It started as a health service later diversified into an education and a socio-cultural movement in the shape of a charity. Despite the paucity of resources, he aimed high-
– To preserve and promote the Eastern System of Medicine as a science.
– To establish the principles of pharmacy and its furtherance and standardization.
– To supply economically the standard pharmaceuticals.
– To teach and publicize principles of health, hygiene and medical science.
– To serve the people selflessly.
The development of Eastern System of Medicine during the entire 20th century owes its vitality to the two towering figures in the persons of Hakeem Abdul Hameed & Hakim Mohammed Said, who achieved worldwide renown as founders and patrons of the Hamdard.
Hamdard published first Pharmacopoeia in the field of Eastern Medicine titled as “Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine” and Hamdard has given birth to an entirely new discipline in medicine- “Medical Elementology”, which investigates the role of elements in the human body on health and diseases.
Dr. Hakim Md. Yousuf Harun Bhuiyan with his colleagues succeeded to set up a modern factory in Sonargaon to manufacture herbal medicine. At present, both modern physicians & traditional physicians prescribe Hamdard medicine in their routine practice. Hamdard Bangladesh has introduced time honored presentation of herbal medicine like capsule, tablet, syrup, ointment, elixir etc.
To maintain the highest standards of production Hamdard Bangladesh has setup laboratories with modern scientific equipments, run by qualified experts. Hamdard has established Holistic Quality Management System to check every step of production & marketing, right from the procurement of raw materials, inprocess quality control, finished goods quality assurance & post delivery customer service.
Hamdard has established medical centers all over the country. At medical centers no fees are charged to anyone for consultation, examination, tests and services. The patient only pays for medicine. Indigent patients are given all treatment and medicine free.
Hamdard has established a medicinal plant’s garden in Sonargaon and also acquired 300 acre land in Chittagong for cultivation, conservation and propagation of rare and valuable medicinal plants, which will save million dollars of foreign currency used in importing raw materials, on the other hand substantial amount of foreign currency may be earned by exporting.
Hamdard earns to spend in the pursuance of noble objectives. Its resources are now mainly directed towards materializing the cherished dream of building Hamdard Biggan Nagar (City of Science, Education & Culture) – Hamdard University Bangladesh, Hamdard Public School, Hamdard Medical College & Hospital, Research Center, Scholars’ House, Central Library, International Conference Center, Children Park, Sports Complex, Horticulture Center, Botanical Garden at Gazaria, Munshigonj. By the Grace of Allah, the dream is taking a concrete shape. The prime subjects of the University will be Mother Language, Eastern Medicine (Unani, Ayurvedic & Chinese Medicine), Holistic Medicine, Naturopathy, Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Indigenous Traditional Medicine, Modern Medicine, Medical Elementology, Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Applied Botany, Phyto-chemistry, Information Technology, Nursing, Management Science, Social Science and Religion. Already Hamdard University Bangladesh has started its activities with the faculties of Science & Engineering, Arts & Social Science, Business Administration and Natural Medicine.
The journey, which started with great confidence and faith, still continues with the same zeal and devotion. After a century, Hamdard stands as a model of substantial successes and a high quality accomplishment.
People take Hamdard, besides being a prestigious pharmaceutical concern to be an institution dedicated to medico-scientific, educational and cultural services to nation and humanity at large.
Hamdard has an unwavering belief that man’s quest for knowledge would one day, result in man’s conquest of nature promising to the mankind a happier world and a society, free of disease, infirmity, superstition, illiteracy and poverty.
Hamdard is dedicated to serve the humanity, cure the ills, spread the light of knowledge and bring the blessings of the scientific research to help improve living and eliminate the sufferings of the mankind.
Hamdard is always grateful to Almighty Allah and thankful to all friends, patrons, supporters, customers & physicians.