OIL Strengthens
the male organ

SKU: PENITON Category:

Description: Peniton is highly effective in sluggishness, feebleness, curvature, shortness and obliquity of male organ. For excessive indulgence in sexual acts or other causes nerve, blood vessel and tissue lost their elasticity and blood cannot store long time in the blood vessel which reduces the erecting time and makes the male organ weak. Peniton strengthens the tissue, stimulates the nerves and muscles as well as the flow of blood in the male organ, thus providing it stiffness and full erection. It also increases the elasticity of male organ.


» Sluggishness
» feebleness
» curvature
» shortness
» obliquity of male organ.

Direction: Rub gently 5-6 drops on male organ at bed time or as prescribed by the physician.

Contraindication: There is no known contraindication.

Side effect: No significant side effect has been observed in proper dosage.

Precaution: Sexual copulation is strictly prohibited during use. Discontinue if there is any side effect and apply coconut oil on effected portion. Keep out of reach of the children.

Storage: Store at cool and dry place, protect from light.

Presentation: Plastic dropper containing 15ml arq (Liq).

Each 5ml contains-
Madar (Calotropis gigantea) 0.20mg
Mace (Myristica fragrans) arillus 0.23mg
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) nut 0.23mg
Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) 0.23mg
Pellitory (Anacyclus pyrethrum) root 0.23mg
Safron (Crocus sativus) 0.07mg
Castoreum 0.07mg
& other ingredients QS.

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